Malan V, Marcorelles P, Nizard J, Perrotin F, Salomon L, Senat MV, Serry A, Tessier V, Truffert P, Tsatsaris V, Arnaud C, Carbonne B. Fetal growth restriction and intra-uterine growth restriction: guidelines fo...
Application of new diagnostic techniques in fetal brain and spinal ultrasound screening 教授介绍了新技术Smart Scene 3D、Smart Planes CNS、Smart Planes ICV、超微血流成像等在颅脑和脊柱中的应用,以及这些新技术在常见病例中的诊断价...
Malan V, Marcorelles P, Nizard J, Perrotin F, Salomon L, Senat MV, Serry A, Tessier V, Truffert P, Tsatsaris V, Arnaud C, Carbonne B. Fetal growth restriction and intra-uterine growth restriction: guidelines for clinical
age: an update on the ISUOG guidelines (首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 冯丽翻译) 严英榴(复旦大学附属妇产医院)、宋文龄(吉林大学第一医院)解读:超声是产前诊断FGR的重要工具。早孕期采用超声测量胎儿头臀长是准确评估胎龄的重要手段。中孕期可以通过超声评估胎儿的各项生长指标(包括双顶径、头围、腹围及股骨长度等...
ISUOG Practice Guidelines: invasive procedures for prenatal diagnosis in obstetrics. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016; 48: 256–268.’ APPENDIX 1: Grades of recommendations and levels of evidence used in these guidelines Classification of evidence levels 1++ High-quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews ...
Salomon L, Senat MV, Serry A, Tessier V, Truffert P, Tsatsaris V, Arnaud C, Carbonne B. Fetal growth restriction and intra-uterine growth restriction: guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2015; 193: 10...
本指南应被引用为:‘Lees CC, Stampalija T, Baschat AA, da Silva Costa F, Ferrazzi E, Figueras F, Hecher K, Kingdom J, Poon LC, Salomon LJ, Unterscheider J. ISUOG Practice Guidelines: diagnosis and management of small-for-gestational-age fetus and fetal growth restriction. Ultrasound Obst...
These Guidelines aim to describe appropriate assessment of fetal biometry and diagnosis of fetal growth disorders. These disorders consist mainly of fetal growth restriction (FGR), also referred to as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and often associated with small-for-gestational age (SGA), and...
age: an update on the ISUOG guidelines (首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 冯丽翻译) 严英榴(复旦大学附属妇产医院)、宋文龄(吉林大学第一医院)解读:超声是产前诊断FGR的重要工具。早孕期采用超声测量胎儿头臀长是准确评估胎龄的重要手段。中孕期可以通过超声评估胎儿的各项生长指标(包括双顶径、头围、腹围及股骨长度等...
|Liu XL, Cai ZY, Liu YY. ISUOG Practice Guidelines: diagnosis and management of small-for-gestational-age fetus and fetal growth restriction(Part B) "无痛分娩中国行"战略合作伙伴 Journal of No Pain Labor & Delivery ...