Dinamika Tentang Perkembangan Sosial dan Ekonomi di Desa –Desa, sebagai salah satu bagian penting dalam struktur masyarakat Indonesia, mengalami perkembangan sosial dan ekonomi yang dinamis. Dengan adanya modernisasi dan teknologi yang semakin maju, banyak desa yang mulai terbuka terhadap perubahan dan...
(Masa “Tabi’in” itu adalah era sesudah zaman “Sahabat”, ketika Muslimin hidup di tengah Nabi SAW. Sesudah Tabi’in adalah masa Tabi’it-Tabi’in). Kini mayoritas Muslimin di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia, mengikuti mazhab besar Sunni, atau biasa disebut dengan ‘Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama...
Kesan Hubungan Indonesia dengan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu: Peranan dan Isu Percetakan dan Penerbitan di Sumatera pada Zaman Kolonialdoi:10.47836/pjssh.32.S2.05This paper focusses on the relationships and networking of journalists in the Malay Peninsula/Straits Settlement with Sumatra be...
Mercy Corps is a leading global humanitarian agency saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. With a network of experienced professionals in more than 40 countries, we partner with local communities to put bold ideas into action and help people recover, overcome hardship and buil...
Pengaruh Jaringan Advokasi Greenpeace terhadap CIMB International dalam Isu Pendanaan PLTU Batu Bara di Indonesiadoi:10.20473/jgs.16.2.2022.379-410In 2020, Greenpeace and several Indonesian NGOs formed a Transnational Advocacy Network (TAN) called The Hotter Earth Coalition to influe...
Furthermore, climate change has been perceived to bring shifts in rainfall pattern, increase the frequency of extreme weather events, increase the global average of temperature, make dry seasons become drier in some areas, and increase the risk of other meteorological disasters. Shifts in rainfall ...
We notice the cost of slowing deforestation in Indonesia, increase exponentially $14.38 million in 2010 to $2,390 million in 2100. When Indonesia participated in global emissions trade, Indonesia gains profit its forest such as revenue through the slowing deforestation activities. The profits increase...
We use MAGICC - Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change - model to project Indonesia's climate till the year 2100, for some IPCC scenarios. We simulate also SCENGEN - A Global and Regional Climate Change Scenario Generator - to projection climate variability change ...
In this paper, we have used the simulation model MERGE (a Model for Evaluating the Regional and Global Effects of greenhouse gas reduction policies) to developed a set of energy and emission scenarios for Indonesia between 2000 and 2100. The purpose of the study was to explore possible ...
In this study, we expressed the model of deforestation as a function of the direct causes, each of these expressed as a function of the indirect causes. The population and GDP growth used as indirect causes of deforestation. In this model, we assume that deforestation is caused by roundwood...