operator <<(std::ostream &os, const BigNum &bignum) { if (bignum.get_sign() == false) os << '-'; for (size_t i = 0; i < bignum.get_used(); ++i) os << bignum.get_digit(bignum.get_used() - i - 1); return os; } std::istream& ...
Most of the member functions that overload operator>> are formatted input functions. They follow the pattern:C++ Ikkopja iostate state = goodbit; const sentry ok(*this); if (ok) { try { /*extract elements and convert accumulate flags in state. store a successful conversion*/ } catch ...
3) Calls the appropriate extraction operator, given an rvalue reference to an input stream object (equivalent to st >> std::forward<T>(value)). This overload participates in overload resolution only if st >> std::forward<T>(value) is well-formed and Istream...
Officially, CPython has no rule at all for when exactly overridden method of subclasses of built-in types get implicitly called or not. As an approximation, these methods are never called by other built-in methods of the same object. For example, an overridden __getitem__() in a subclass...