With nontechnical interests, the ISTPs can use general principles to bring order out of confused data and meaning out of unorganized facts, The capacity of sensing to absorb fact and detail can be very useful to ISTPs who work in the field of economics, as securities analysts, or as market...
According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am an ISTJ personality this means that I am an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging person. ISTJ are very faithful, loyal and dependable. We are also reserved people who are interested in a secure and quiet life. ISTJ’s place ...
My MBTI type was ENTJ. First off, I think I am very extrovertive. I like to talk about what is on my mind and sometimes, will forget why I even started the conversation. Also, I would agree that I am strongly intuitive. I enjoy thinking about things analytically and I often think ...
Founder of Apple along with Steve Wozniak About ISTPs # Cool, self-contained problem-solvers # Strongly linked to the Negativistic personality # Somewhat linked to the Antisocial personality # More common in men than in women # Repress their Extroverted Feeling function, meaning they may find the...
If I am an INTJ, I will know that the meaning of life is to enjoy life I am an INTJ Therefore I can conclude that xSTPs are the best MBTI types First of all, we have not established between us that the meaning of life is to enjoy life, so your first premise is called into ques...
It can also ease tough work relationships and help challenging personalities get along better. If you are new to the MBTI and the 16 personalities, check out our beginner's guide to help you get started. Share this: Categories Psychology Tags Introvert, Personality, Personality Types 11 Sunny...
MBTI类型ISTP..MBTI类型ISTP之苹果公司创始人乔布斯http://www.caijihr.com/showarticle.aspx?ID=13celebritytypes.com 2014/4/13 62S
—— For clarification: For this argument i am referring solely to socionics functions - which differ in definition from mbti functions. 閱讀更多 最後編輯:3 years ago 5 5 HalvENTP • HeraldISTJ - 8w9 - sp/sx Actually clearly ISTJ rather than ISTP. You should type someone with the ...