ISTP and ENFP ISTP and ENTJ ISTP and ENTP ISTP and ESFJ ISTP and ESFP ISTP and ESTJ ISTP and ESTP ISTP Compatibility with Other Enneagram Types For comparisons between ISTPs and other Enneagram types, visit any of the type pairings below: ISTP and Type 1 ISTP and Type 2 IST...
归纳而言,其冲突没有像ISTP和INFP(或ENFP)那样明显,但在大方向上仍旧存在不和谐的情况。L. Haas, M...
ENFP 男人不习惯与他们遇到的每个人分享他们深刻和私人的感受。如果一个 ENFP 与某人分享他的情绪,那么那个人是非常特殊的。 ENFP 恋爱中的女性 一个恋爱中的 ENFP 女人会用一切可能的美好事物来挥霍她所爱的对象。她是如此给予和直觉,以至于 ENFP 女性经常在伴侣意识到自己的需求之前就已经感觉到了她的伴侣的需求。
That said, you both value honesty and straightforwardness. You’re likely to be clear with each other about who you are and what your ideals are from the start, and to stick to these value systems over the long term. Building trust in this pairing is often very easy, as you appreciate ...