Lifestyle is an under-appreciated—but extremely important—element of compatibility. Your values and ideals may coincide perfectly, but if you can't agree on how to conduct day-to-day matters, your relationship will always have friction. As anISTJin a relationship with anESTJ, you can expect...
ISTJ parents are strongly principled, valuing patience and hard work, qualities that children often struggle with. Nevertheless, their children are expected to meet these standards and share these values for their own good. This approach often bears its fruit in the long run, but people with this...
毕竟有没有发展阴影功能 是真的完全两个画风 差距大到同一人格之间都认不出来所以你说天朝文化为什么没有compatibility 的概念呢几乎大家都没有发展阴影功能 遇到理论上可以打9分以上的般配度的组合 比如istj ESTP 结果只能打个5分 然后只能退而求其次 ESTP ISFJ 能有个7分的般配度也不错了于是人们普遍认为 感情是...