ISTA 1A标准(运输标准)Appendix A Package Testing ISTA Test Procedure 1A Introduction International Safe Transit Association (ISTA)ISTA, the association for transport packaging, is an international leader in advancing the science of packaging and the use of performance testing techinques. Its member ...
最新的ISTA 跌落测试标准-ISTA 1A-2001
Test Procedure 1A is an integrity test for individual packaged-products. • It can be used to evaluate the performance of a packaged-product. • It can be used to compare relative performance of package and product design alternatives. • The package and product are considered together...
ista1a标准(运输标准).doc,Home Appendix A Package Testing ISTA Test Procedure 1A Introduction International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) ISTA, the association for transport packaging, is an international leader in advancing the science of packaging and
Home Appendix A Package Testing ISTA Test Procedure 1A Introduction International Safe Transit Association ISTA ISTA, t
DropHeightThetestdropheightvarieswiththeweightofthepackaged-product:Packaged-ProductWeight<lbs214161100150DropHeightFreeFall1A2AmmIn.7603861032460263102020012 <=lbs0214161100kg010192845 kg1019284568 In.302418128 DropProcedure SequenOrientatice#on12345678910CornerEdgeEdgeEdgeFaceFaceFaceFaceFaceFace Specificface,edgeor...
ISTA 1A2001包装性能测试ISTA包装测试要求ISTA 1A2001ISTA包装产品的性能测试20071105 印发Issued200701015 译制Translated刖百本文件为ISTA包装产品的性能测试标准 2001年版。1
Scope Test Procedure 1A covers testing of individual packaged-products weighing 150 pounds (68.2 kg) or less when prepared for shipment. Note: To be eligible for mailing, a single parcel cannot exceed 70 pounds. Product Damage Tolerance and Degradation Allowance The shipper shall determine the ...
Test Procedure 1A 2 0 0 1 Preface ISTA 1A 2001 - Page 2 of 8 OVERVIEW OF PROCEDURE 1A Test Procedure 1A covers testing of individual packaged-products weighing 150 pounds (68kg) or less when prepared for shipment. EXCEPTION: Individual packaged-products on a visible skid or pallet ...
Integrity Test Procedure 1G and not 1A. • For packaged-products where a minimum compression value should be tested, use ISTA Integrity Test Procedure 1C. • For packaged-products intended for international distribution consider ISTA Integrity-Plus Test Procedure 2A. ...