ISTA 1A是国际安全运输协会制定的用于单一包装产品的整体性能试验标准,适用于不超150磅(68公斤)的包装产品。 主要进行固定位移振动和冲击测试,不模拟实际运输危害环境。可评估包装性能,助企业缩短开发时间、降低破损率。ISTA 1A测试适用于重量不大于68kg的单个包装件,属于非模拟运输测试,主要项目包括 1、大气预处...
对外箱跌落测试,通常采用国际安全运输协会制定的ISTA-1A或2A的标准。大多客户会选用1A的标准进行测试,1A和2A的测试程序基本一样,只是跌落高度会有差别。跌落高度 根据外箱的重量不同,跌落规定的高度也不一样:外箱重量 自由跌落高度 <= < 1A 2A lbs kg lbs kg In. mm In. mm 0 0 21 10 30 760 38 ...
ISTA 1A标准(运输标准)Appendix A Package Testing ISTA Test Procedure 1A Introduction International Safe Transit Association (ISTA)ISTA, the association for transport packaging, is an international leader in advancing the science of packaging and the use of performance testing techinques. Its member ...
最新的ISTA 跌落测试标准-ISTA 1A-2001
對外箱跌落測試,通常采用國際安全運輸協會制定的ISTA-1A或2A的標準。大多客戶會選用1A的標準進行測試,1A和2A的測試程序基本壹樣,只是跌落高度會有差別。跌落高度 根據外箱的重量不同,跌落規定的高度也不壹樣:外箱重量 自由跌落高度 <= < 1A 2A lbs kg lbs kg In. mm In. mm 0 0 21 10 30 760 38 ...
47、sequence event must be repeated until the test impact velocity meets the minimum. Shock Test The table below indicates the steps to perform the Drop Shock Test. Step Action 1 Determine the method(s) of test and the required drop height or impact velocity in the Before You Begin Block....
ISTA1A/2A–CartonDropTest FortheCartonDropTest,thereare2standardscanbereferred,theInternationalSafeTransitAssociation(ISTA)1Aand2A.NormallymostofclientsusethespecificationofISTA1A,thedropproceduresofISTA1Aand2Aarethesame,buttheirDropHeightsaredifferent.DropHeightThetestdropheightvarieswiththeweightofthepackaged-...
STACK TEST PROTOCOL 星级: 33 页 ISTA CARTON DROP TEST 星级: 17 页 韩国Toys-Test Protocol 星级: 1 页 Test Protocol - AISE 星级: 25 页 drop test(中文版)_ista_2a_2006 星级: 14 页 Test protocol 星级: 4 页 test protocol-cwe 星级: 2 页 protocol test 星级: 8 页 usb3.0 ...
BEFORE YOU BEGIN PROCEDURE 1A You shall know the packaged-products: • gross weight in pounds (kg), and • outside dimensions of Length, Width and Height (L x W x H) in inches (mm or m) CAUTION: A restraining device or devices shall be used with the vibration test system...