aif you submit an original valid passport(or certified copy from the issuing agency), you do not to submit any other documents to prove your "foreign"or"identity". 如果您从发布的代办处递交(一个原始的合法的护照或被证明的拷贝),您不递交任何其他文件证明您“外国"或"身分”。[translate]...
issue on the agenda一项议程用作动词 (v.)~+名词 issue banknote发行钞票 issue decrees and ordinances颁布法令 issue instructions发出指示 issue new rifles分发步枪 issue new textbooks发新书 issue passport发护照 issue stamps发行邮票~+副词 issue monthly(杂志)每月出一期 issue officially正式发行 issue particu...
issue on the agenda一项议程 用作动词 (v.) ~+名词 issue banknote发行钞票 issue decrees and ordinances颁布法令 issue instructions发出指示 issue new rifles分发步枪 issue new textbooks发新书 issue passport发护照 issue stamps发行邮票 ~+副词 issue monthly(杂志)每月出一期 ...
the numberandissuingagency ofanypassportheldby him; (f) the contribution period or [...] (e) 有關僱員的姓名及香港身分證號碼,或(如他 並非香港身分證的持有人)他持有的護照的號碼及發出機構 ...
travel agency platform; improvement [...] 预计2011/2012 年度该处的优先事项和挑战包括:加强联合国通行证发放制度和联合国通行证文件的安全;旅行社平台的变化;改进业务流程;将邮件和邮袋运 送和跟踪系统扩大到尽可能多的外地行动中;保存电子记录和档案材料。
the numberandissuing countryofany passport he may hold. 草案第 11 條的修訂規定,如董事或公司秘書不持有香港身份證,須提供所持的任何護照的 號碼及簽發國家名稱。 Failure or delays bytheissuing countrytohonour the ...
He then proposed revoking the agency's budget, which was approved by the Senate on November 8. "I will take formal action to reconsider the budget submitted by the Philippine Statistics Authority and instruct the [Legislative Budget Research and Monitoring Office (LBRMO)] to issue the necessary...
including policy- and decisionmakers, headsofinstitutions, curriculum developers, trainers and teachers; (3) mobilizing partnersattheglobal and national levels to mobilize resources and promote inter-agency cooperation and collaborationinthevarious EFA processes; and (4) monitoring progressbyissuinganindepend...
If you have a copy of your original passport, it is best. If you don't, you need a copy of your ID card. Finally, it is necessary to prepare a detailed written instruction on the loss or theft of the passport, which should include the specific circumstances of the individual, the ...
But the benefit to the web sites is much greater, because now they can pool and share their information about you. Let’s take a hypothetical example that’s possible today. Microsoft’s online travel agency Expedia is a Passport web site, and Microsoft Investor is too. One day, Expedia ...