Light pollution in my area leaves the visible sky at a magnitude 3. I have to drive at least an hour and a half to get to a site to see. When we had the Northeast power outage, I spent most of the night explaining what “that thin, white, streaky cloud across the sky is”. ...
+1 on that the Robin Glover video is about how very long exposures aren’t really necessary in most cases if you have a modern camera (especially for broadband), not that’s it’s better for noise, it’s just not much worse. Once you get close to the read noise floor for a stack,...
With the move towards converged all-IP wireless network environments, managing end-user Quality of Experience (QoE) poses a challenging task, aimed at meeting high user expectations and requirements regarding reliable and cost-effective communication, ac
Getting worst by the day now even h2h is getting laggy.I thought after the maintenance over the last couple of days things would get a little better but they somehow made it worst. Im just going to have to stick to Rocket league my connection on that is great with around 20 ping as i...
Skills How one nonprofit turned a golf course into a ‘no-fail’ job training program
Furthermore, this research will help the researchers and developers to build new UIoT applications by considering the best channel type with security and privacy models. The key contributions of this paper are briefed under research goals in Table 1. Table 1. Research Goals. The layout of this...
bob it’s not your broadband mate, trust me, I’ve been down that road many times. It’s EA. You’re right it goes from super fast to laggy, slow and juddery etc etc in no time – someone, somewhere is changing this. Finding out who/why is the difficult bit. ...