Follow guidance in the article "View Microsoft 365 account license and service details with PowerShell" to view the provisioning status of the user. Note: Clipchamp has a ServicePlanName of CLIPCHAMP and a ServicePlanId of a1ace008-72f3-4ea0...
If the provisioning status isSuccess, the user should be able to access Clipchamp from theClipchamp Microsoft 365 homepage. However, they may not be able to access Clipchamp from OneDrive or SharePoint's file browsers. If this is the case, it is likely because a cached value in OneDrive/Shar...
不過,由於最近才將 Clipchamp 新增至選取的 365 企業版和教育版 SKU Microsoft,因此部分使用者可能無法存取該應用程式並看到錯誤通知,即使他們使用的是正確的授權。 如果您的租使用者中有啟用 Microsoft 365 系統管理中心 但仍然無法存取 Clipchamp 的使用者,本...
If you’re having trouble buying something from Microsoft Store, here are some steps to try: Check your credit card is up to date on thePayment optionspage. Check you don't have anysubscription payments overdueon theServicespage. Check your account is nottemporarily suspended. Check...
Case 3. Microsoft Office Does Not Open with a File Association Error “This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or if one is already installed and create an association in the default programs control panel.” ...
如果租户中的用户已在Microsoft 365 管理中心中启用,但仍无法访问Clipchamp,则此页提供故障排除建议。 检查用户的预配状态 按照“使用PowerShell 查看 Microsoft 365 帐户许可证和服务详细信息”一文中的指导查看用户的预配状态。 注意: Clipchamp的 ServicePlanName 为 CL...
「PowerShell で Microsoft 365 アカウントのライセンスとサービスの詳細を表示する」の記事のガイダンスに従って、ユーザーのプロビジョニング状態を表示します。 注:Clipchampには、CLIPCHAMPの ServicePlanName とa1ace008-72f3-4ea0-8dac-33b3a23a...
Нижеприведенынекоторыерекомендациипоустранениюнеполадокдляадминистраторов Microsoft 365, еслинекоторыепользователи Clipcham...
Follow guidance in the article "View Microsoft 365 account license and service details with PowerShell" to view the provisioning status of the user. Note: Clipchamp has a ServicePlanName of CLIPCHAMP and a ServicePlanId of a1ace008-72f3-4ea...
Applies ToClipchamp for work accounts Σημείωση: Αυτό το άρθροαπευθύνεταισεδιαχειριστές μισθωτών του Microsoft 365 που έχουνχρήστες στονο...