Improperly switching thread stacks. Trying to call KeWaitXxx at IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL. Dereferencing an object that already has a reference count of 0. Special Pool When this option is active, Driver Verifier allocates most of the driver's memory requests from a special pool. Thi...
The steps for switching to UEFI or EFI mode are specific to the device. Note If the device supports only Legacy mode, Intune can't be used to manage BitLocker Device Encryption on the device.Error message: The UEFI variable 'SecureBoot' could not be read...
Microsoft only just started to roll out this change, so it isn’t available to all Insiders just yet. Other changes and improvements brought to Windows 11 with this build also include: For apps that send notifications for calls, reminders, or alarms that leverage Windows notifications in the O...
power bi dashboards/ reports / schedule refresh will work as is? Investigating v-jtian-msft (Community Support) responded Hi,@cgparparab .I am glad to help you.Here are some suggestions: If you have set up the gateway cluster properly, a secondary node switching to the primary node ...
Ensure your app is within the Azure Files scale targets. If you're using standard Azure file shares, consider switching to premium.Throughput on Linux clients is lower than that of Windows clientsCauseThis is a known issue with implementing the SMB client on Linux....
Here’s a workaround: Encourage immersive users to use headsets and properly adjust their audio settings before switching environments. Ask immersive users to leave and rejoin the immersive space. This will reboot the Mesh app for them and remove the echo. ...
Issue:After Effects crashes when you use Rotobrush on an M1-based Apple computer running on macOS 11. Workaround:Upgrade to macOS 12 to fix this issue. If you run into any other issues, or you want to post, discuss, and be part of our knowledgeable community, visit theAfter Effects for...
The only issue with sleep mode is that it uses more power than when the computer is switched off. Take that into consideration when switching to sleep mode.PRO TIP You should see the sleep mode option when you click on the Power button. However, ...
Consequently, you will see that the file names differ on Windows 11 systems. To work around this issue, you should mount the RHEL 9.2 binary DVD ISO on a RHEL system and then copy the files to a Windows system if needed for a specific use case, or use the latest version of RHEL. ...
For Windows computers that are or were part of a sovereign network, the option of switching to new Outlook isn't available. This restriction is due to the specific network configurations and security protocols inherent to sovereign networks. ...