Ohio State-wide Ballot IssuesBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSmith, Mark Caleb
Mayor Mazur also noted that he believed it was his responsibility to bring the question of whether to become a charter former of government to city residents. Two ballot questions will be placed on the November general election ballot to provide voters the option of whether to change from a st...
State coffers are overflowing, but inflation could put a pinch on spending plans and tax cuts. The labor market remains tight just when the demand for more teachers is skyrocketing. And then there are the ongoing culture wars. Welcome to 2023.
levy was first passed in 1989 and renewed three times before becoming a replacement levy, with two further renewals, provides $935,000 annually for Vantage’s General Fund. Board members approved a resolution of necessity — a preliminary step to placing the renewal tax issue on the ballot....
Ohio voters may face most issues in history ; Citizen groups turn to the ballot after bills stall in state legislature.Jackie Borchardt
Battle lines form over ballot issues in OhioWilliam Hershey Columbus Bureau
March 4 primary taking shape ; In addition to White House races, Congress, statehouse and school issues on Ohio ballot.Lynn HulseyChristopher Magan Staff Writers
Valryn Warren Staff Writer