Fujitsu Group Sustainability Report 2013 The Power of ICT for sustainability and beyond Introduction ISSUES of Sustainable Development Issues Humanity Must Overcome on an Increasingly Crowded Earth and in a Rapidly Expanding Cyber Society CONTENTS Introduction The Power of ICT for sustainability and beyond...
But one that enthrones the transcendental nature of human person that is an end in his/her self, a value-laden being that shares complementarity in their nature. If gender is seen from the thesis we proffer, sustainable development is realizable within our world.Johnson U. Ofoegbu PhD...
Microsoft to develop educational material and community centres for increasing computer literacy in the developing world; and World Bank and PPP efforts to improve water supplies in developing countries, critical for sustainable development, environmental integrity and the alleviation of poverty and hunger....
DevelopmentintheAsia-PacificRegion WANFang-fang,GUIJing,SHILi (NationalMarineDataandInformationServiceCenter,Tianjin300171China) Abstract:RapidsocialandeconomicdevelopmenthascausedseriousdamagetotheenvironmentoftheAsia-Pa cificregion,whichmadeitaseverechallengeforthewholeregiontoachievesustainabledevelopment.Thispaper ...
Sophisticated analysis of large datasets from UN organizations, government registries, and large within- and between-country studies can provides practitioners and policy makers with information about what programs and practices are effective for whom. U
UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014). Final report. Accessed 14 June 2016 UNESCO and UNFCCC (2016) Action for climate empowerment: guidelines for accelerating solutions through education, training and public (PDF)...
Michael I Jeffery QC: Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development: Ethical and Human Rights Issues in Implementing Indigenous Rights, Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law.Jeffery, M. I. 2005. Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development: Ethical and Human Rights ...
This is a collection of back issues of Design World as they appeared in print and in the digital edition on They are PDF downloadable.
S. Faucheux D. Pearce J. Proops (1996) Models of Sustainable Development Edward Elgar Hants, UK Google Scholar G.M. Heal (1998) Valuing the Future: Economic Theory and Sustainability Colombia University Press New York Google Scholar F. Hirsch (1977) Social Limits to Growth Routledge London ...
Through its elucidation of the fundamental elements of the sustainability paradigm,this book has depicted that the pathway to sustainable economic progress will be charted out by building, strengthening, and expanding the linkages between economic growth