unprecedented challengesfacing our worldtoday, such as the rise in fuel and food prices, the [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 我们这样做的背景是当今世界面临的空前挑战,例如燃料和粮食价格飙升、全球金融危机以及 世界各地一连串无休止的冲突。
In our society, many women are violently treated by their intimate partners while they suffer in silence. In some cases, domestic violence leads to the death of these women. This should not be allowed to continue because women are crucia... FB Alokan - 《European Scientific Journal》 被引...
Hasan, Parvez,World Bank 摘要: The phenomenal economic progress of the Republic of Korea during the past decade is one of the outstanding success stories in international development. Despite a lack of natural resources, Korea has made the transition from a largely agricultural society into a semi...
Worries about the impacts of climate change on families in Denmark 2010 and 2019 Topics Inflation worldwideGross Domestic Product (GDP) worldwideInflation in the U.S.StagflationInflation in Europe Do you have any questions about our business solutions?
We need You. We struggle in this world. We cope however we can, some as optimists, others pessimists who say they are realists. Does either position have the full picture? When difficulty persists, it feels like dark sunglasses are placed over our eyes and we cannot see, nor understand....
China on Tuesday issued a white paper on building a global community of shared future, a grand vision serving as a blueprint for a better world raised by President Xi Jinping in 2013. By putting forward the creative idea at a pivotal moment in history, President Xi has shown the correct ...
The critical roles of engineering in addressing the large-scale pressing challenges facing our societies worldwide are widely recognized. Such large-scale challenges include access to affordable health care; tackling the coupled issues of energy, transportation and climate change; providing more equitable...
E Retailing popularly known as Online shopping or E Commerce is the mechanism wherein the consumercan explore, select, buy and receive the desired merchandize sitting at his / her home. Since the time the organized retailers have entered our Country, the concept of online shopping have also bee...
Already transgenic glyphosate-resistant maize has become a hit among women farming in South Africa, who can now spray down more weeds in a day than they could hoe in a backbreaking month. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info ...
Like many other technology issues, our most basic challenge is not technical but altogether human. As the months of 2023 drew to a close, deepfakes had become a growing topic of conversation in capitals around the world. But while everyone seemed to agree that something needed to be done, ...