Vast forests, desert land and even a volcano are among the landscapes included in what's now the largest corridor of federally protected land in the U.S. 3 months ago Native Americans fight to bring 128,000 ancestors home from US museums, universities ...
Americans are now free to marry a same sex partner in all 50 states. Is this a right that should be protected or abolished? 35 Defense Spending 6,131 votes The US outspends every other country in the world on its military. Is it too much? 36 War on Dr...
once were college-level cultural experiences into fluffy, insubstantiveDemolition Manshells of themselves, where the organizers spout weak-tea “we have kids now” nonsense as they cancel everyone’s offcolour comedy panels. Well, just how did you hypocritical weebs meet in the first place, hmmm...
Political Issues That Matter The Most Right Now Mike Rothschild Updated June 20, 2024266.1K views36 items Ranked By 131.6Kvotes 15.1Kvoters Voting Rules Vote up the political issues that concern you most in America today What are the major political issues that concern you ...
in any previous year a failure biggest commitment announced unresolved disagreements $8.5 billion $400 million $4.6 billion $2 billion tracker Pew Research Center $7 billion —Carl Smith Kent Avery of Los Angeles looks at photographs of people who all died from drug overdoses, during an event ...
When he took the oath as Myanmar’s head of state in March, President U Win Myint, one of State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s right-hand men, received a mixed welcome. Some predicted the former House Speaker would play the same merely ceremonial role as his predecessor, for it is...
America is a generous country, allowing over one million people into our country every year—the right way. Ted has visited the Southern border multiple times… Learn More Standing with Law Enforcement The radical left is trying to abolish police departments across the country. They are moving fr...
“Separation of Church and State should be upheld in America.” “No. The Catholic church can have a say in the church. Religion and politics should not intertwine.” “No, if we want to keep the church and state separate, we should not give them a say.” ...
I started looking for the right song for tonight … for once there was none stuck in my head … and happened across Jackie Deshannon’s 1965 hit,What the World Needs Now is Love. I thought perhaps, in these times of troubles all over the world, in the Middle-East, the UK, the Unite...
How does “The Red Man’s America” speak to broader themes of identity, belonging, and resistance in American literature and culture? I don’t love all of these questions, but I admit most of them are pretty good, and I would use them in a class discussion. I really thought, again,...