The first and most important maxim of the healthcare industry isPrimum non nocere, or “First, do no harm.” It sounds simple enough, but the healthcare industry is complex, and everyone in this demanding field faces difficult choices daily. Understanding the various ethical challenges in health...
CEO of National Consulting Firm Discusses Issues Facing Health Care Facilities TodaySnell, RoyJournal of Health Care Compliance
Health care issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals.Pantalone, David WHaldeman, Douglas CMartell, Christopher R
Popular for its comprehensive but concise overview of the issues facing nurses today, this text is designed to help you prepare for the dynamic world of modern health care. This edition is fully revised and updated, giving you the most practical, balanced preparation for the issues, trends, and...
One of the top issues facing health systems today are the numerous technology challenges, and none loom larger than the need to capitalize on the massive amount of underutilized data to better understand and negotiate this rapidly changing landscape. The emphatic shift of risk transfer toward the ...
Political reform is beginning to take place, which hopefully opens up an opportunity for the international community to engage the issues facing healthcare in Myanmar before the situation gets out of Groote concluded :Written by Rupert Shepherd 展开 ...
What are the major challenges facing health care today? How can the health care professional contribute to their resolution? What is the ethical issue in positive eugenics in respect in modern medicine? What is the basis for ethical standards in science? In other words, why are some ...
Will a health system battered by the pandemic emerge stronger in the year ahead? The annual report predicts challenges such as profitably merging virtual and in-person care, capitalizing on new consumer- and clinician-facing digital health tools – and e
Federal surveys play a key role in the health surveillance system, which helps direct initiatives to address some of the most pressing health conditions and problems facing the country. For example, one of the affected datasets is CDC’sBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which is...
What are the most significant barriers to entry in healthcare industry? What are the strengths and weaknesses of other nations' health care? What are some of the problems with conducting fiscal policy? What are the major challenges facing the labor force in health care today? What do you fee...