针对你遇到的错误信息 java.lang.assertionerror: class hudson.security.csrf.defaultcrumbissuer is missing its descriptor,以下是对该问题的详细分析和解决方案: 1. 错误信息理解 这个错误通常表明 hudson.security.csrf.defaultcrumbissuer 类缺少了必要的描述符信息。在 Jenkins 或类似的 Java 应用程序中,类描述符...
Namespace.DefinitionStages Namespace.DefinitionStages.Blank Namespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate Namespace.DefinitionStages.WithIdentity Namespace.DefinitionStages.WithInboundIpRules Namespace.DefinitionStages.WithIsZoneRedundant Namespace.DefinitionStages.WithLocation Namespace.DefinitionStages.WithMinimumTlsVersionAllo...
If you have a template or a default workbook that you use to create new Excel files, make sure that the calculation option in that template is also set to Automatic. Any new workbooks created from the template will inherit this setting. Workbook Recalculation Issue: If you are still experienc...
mkdir work/<NAME>/stage1/rootfs/etc/ssl cp -R /etc/ssl/certs/ work/<NAME>/stage1/rootfs/etc/ssl/certs echo "ca-certificates" >> stage1/01-sys-tweaks/00-packages this fixed the issue for me, now seeing other errors (unrelated IMO): ...
// Assuming the user is authenticated successfully varclaims =new[] { newClaim(ClaimTypes.Name, request.Username), // Add other claims as needed }; varaccessToken = _jwtTokenService.GenerateAccessToken(claims); varrefreshToken = _jwtTokenService.GenerateRefreshToken; ...
I might be missing something, but this doesn’t seem like it would be much work. Additionally, I am very interested in any solutions that allow the contract to keep the existing flow (in which a mint is created usingZCF.makeTokenMintand this mint is then used to mint the supply of Tr...
This callback is an optional part of theWS_CUSTOM_CERT_CREDENTIAL. If the (possiblyNULL) certificate returned by theWS_GET_CERT_CALLBACKis accepted by the server, then this callback is never invoked. If the server rejects it and sends back an issuer list, then this callback w...
Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName解决办法 apache启动报错[warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence 解决办法 windows2003IIS6.0 添加MIME扩展类型及常用的MIME类型列表 由于Web 服务器上的“ISAPI 和 CGI ...
“Unable to get Local Issuer Certificate” is a common SSL certificate error. It is related to the incomplete certificate chain such as (most commonly) missing the intermediate certificate or missing the root certificate authority (CA) certificate in its trusted certificate store. ...