Green, Marian
Republicans further worked to twist the literal words in front of voters in November. OURR argued that voters should be able to read the full amendment’s text at the polls, but the Ohio Ballot Boardtook the GOP’s side, approving “misleading” anti-abortion summary language that replaced t...
Previous research on the initiative process tends to underestimate the involvement of political parties in ballot measure contests as well as the impact of partisanship on initiative voting. Focusing on recent ballot contests in California, we find that the two major party organizations in California ...
Ohio Prescription Drug Ballot IssueBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMark Caleb Smith
Pro Athletes Back Pot Effort ; Initiative Aims to Put Legalized Marijuana Issue on Ohio BallotBischoff, Laura A
It states that Issue 2 aims to establish an animal-care council that would oversee the treatment of farm animals. It indicates that the measure was introduced by the Ohio Farm Bureau.MacejkoChristinaDVM: The Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine...
Ohio Ballot Issue 3Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSmith, Mark Caleb
Marijuana Issue Spurs Concern ; Ohio Lawmaker Calls Ballot Initiative Bad Public PolicyBischoff, Laura A
Ohio Votes on Marijuana Ballot IssueBy Mark Caleb Smith, Published on 11/03/15Smith, Mark Caleb
Smoking-ban backers to ask top court to keep issue on ballot SmokeFreeOhio trying to get appellate ruling overturned to keep the issue before voters on Nov. 7.William Hershey Staff Writer