Xie Zhenhua, Special Envoy on Climate Change Affairs, China delivered speech at the opening ceremony. Xie expressed his admiration in seeing, for the third year in a row, the cooperation between world leading universities to unite their powers to provide a platform for global youth to coope...
Fast on the heels of the land-mark report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)comes this new study on how food production and consumption impact major threats to the planet.The authors say that the food system has a number of significant environmental impacts including being ...
Thus the subject of "climate change" is currently of unrivalled importance and discussions of its impact on the future of mankind are becoming more and more common in the various branches of society. 展开 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.08.009 被引量: 3 年份: 2010 ...
Fast on the heels of the landmark report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) comes this new study on how food production and consumption impact major threats to the planet.The authors say that the food system has a number of significant environmental impacts including being a...
1) Atmospheric and earth system modeling towards coordinated pollution control and climate change mitigation;2) Microbiological contaminants in water environment: occurrence and control;3) Climate change and public health: emerging impacts and responses.FESE advocates for a green lifestyle, emphasizing the...
Download citation Published15 September 2021 Issue DateSeptember 2021 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-021-01500-2 Subjects Astronomy and astrophysics Climate change Associated content Focus The impact of astronomy on climate change Sections Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementNature...
根 第二 中“The solution is using agroforestry(农林业) to create a new kind of agriculture that is sustainable and that can be resilient(有适应力的)in front of climate change."(解决方案是利用农林业来创造一种可持续的 新型农业,这种农业可以在气候变化面前具有弹性。 )以及第三 段中"The soil ...
Global supply chains are facing extensive disruptions and many businesses are in financial distress, or even on the verge of being bankruptcy. To recover the economy while not at the cost of raising concerns about climate change, ...
根据MyFootprint (Free)部分中CreatedbytheWorldWildlifeFund(WWF),thishandyappprovidesyouwith a wealthofdetailonthelatestfactsandinformationonclimatechangeissuesaswellasenablingyoutotrackyourcarbonfootprintandseehowdifferentareasofyourlifecontributetothis.(由世界野生动物基金会(WWF)创建的这个方便的应用程序为你提供...
How laypeople respond to linear versus nonlinear climate change predictions Felix J. Formanski Marcel M. Pein Johann M. Majer OriginalPaper Open access 21 November 2022 Article: 8 Climate change implications for olive flowering in Crete, Greece: projections based on historical data Manolis G....