JIRA_BASE_URL}) print "Logged in..." categories = [p.key for p in jira.projects()] tag_logged, _ = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name='_logged_') facts = Fact.objects .exclude(tags=tag_logged) .exclude(end_time=None) .filter(activity__category__name__in=categories) for f in ...
print (project.projectCategory) #获取项目分类 查询JIRA的issue信息 可以查询到信息有: 所属项目 问题类型和状态 标题和描述 干系人 时间点 附件和评论等 # coding:utf-8 issue = jira.issue('JIRA-999') print (issue) #JiraID print (issue.id) #internalID print (issue.fields.project) #所属项目 pr...
look for issues in Project AAA, BBB, CCC and those that have the empty category OR (the rest of your query) in any project So basically you have to nest stuff in parenthesis, especially with OR statements so that any criteria you want to carry throughout the entire sear...
mysql> select * from projectversion where id in ( select SINK_NODE_ID from nodeassociation where ASSOCIATION_TYPE='IssueVersion' and SOURCE_NODE_ID=( select id from jiraissue where issuenum=5351 and project = (select id from project where pkey='JRA'))); +---+---+---+---+---+-...
jira.assign_issue(issue, new_assignee)else: print('No new assignee found.')exceptJIRAErrorase: print('Unable to reassign ticket %s to %s: %s'% (ticket, new_assignee, e), file=sys.stderr)else: recheck =Falseprint('No transitions found for ticket %s currently in status "%s".'% (ticke...
category, f.activity.name) issue = jira.issue(issue_key) if issue.fields.status.name in ('Closed', 'Resolve'): reopened = True # reopen to allow worklogs jira.transition_issue(issue, TO_REOPEN) jira.add_comment(issue, 'hamster2jira: Automatically reopened for a' 'while to allow add ...
issue_key ='%s-%s'% (f.category, f.activity.name) issue = jira.issue(issue_key)ifissue.fields.status.namein('Closed','Resolve'): reopened =True# reopen to allow worklogsjira.transition_issue(issue, TO_REOPEN) jira.add_comment(issue,'hamster2jira: Automatically reopened for a''while to...
3. Analyze the Jira issues data according to the user's request. Structure your response as follows: i. A brief summary of the main findings ii. Show the data in tabular format wherever possible. Table should have columns 'Category', 'Count', 'Percentage of Total'. iii. Detailed ...
Key point: Perhttps://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-469, if uncovered license is Category X or Category B, it's aBlockerand needs to be listed inLICENSEfor 10.0.0. If Category A (e.g. MIT) or missing header, it's anIssue, so we can fix it in main branch for 10.1.0. ...