Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Did Ohio pass Issue 1 relating to abortion? *Make sure to refresh this page for updated results* If Issue 1 passes it would make abortion in the state more accessible for people The amendment would still allow the state to prohibit abortion after a fetus is considered viable, with an except...
Results of a Legal Issue Survey to Farmland Leasing Workshop Attendees in OhioHall, P. KWard, B
(ESM) from 36 sophomores at a university in central China, resulting in 180 ESM responses. The results of Multilevel Analysis showed that the students' seat location and the week number within the individual had a significant ...
"There is so much energy from Ohioans across the political spectrum to end gerrymandering," it declared during the signature-gathering process. "We are mobilizing in every corner of the state to put citizens – not politicians – in charge of drawing Ohio's legi...
select article 293. Low temperature physics. Proceedings of the 9th (1964) International Conference, Columbus, Ohio: J G Gauntet al, (Editors), Two volumes, Plenum Press, NY, 1100 pages, $35 Conference abstractNo access 293. Low temperature physics. Proceedings...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — All the political wrangling over Ohio's Issue 1, a statewide ballot issue aimed at changing the way the state draws its political maps, has landed voters in a fix. While they are hearing from the campaign behind the constitutional
The 110th Ohio Volunteer In- fantry won the musket match with a time of 407.7 seconds for the five event program, besting the second place 8th Virginia Infantry by a mere 2.2 seconds! A total of 210 eight- member teams participated in this N-SSA signature competition. In the carbine ...
2. System capacity is discussed with a view to the Forensic Laboratory IT Department being able to provide capacity for processing anticipated workloads. Inputs to the discussion include: • results of capacity monitoring activity; • trend analysis; • reports regarding system capacity; • pl...