Show them we are paying attention and that our democracy is not for sale. Protect“One Person, One Vote.”Vote No on Issue 1 this August. John Dyce, President Ohio Association of Letter Carriers-NALC. Hanoverton
on Ohio Issue 1]]>Ohio voters can step up to the plate and hit an economic grand slam. A "yes" vote for Issue 1...By JamesIan A. S
Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Ohio to Vote on Drug Treatment Issue
Ohio Senate passes controversial nuclear subsidy bill; House to vote Aug. 1 to approve legislation thatwill subsidize two large nuclear plants owned by FirstEnergy Solutions,as well as coal-fired and renewable generation.But the Ohio House of Representatives is not scheduled to voteagain on the bi...
A proposed amendment toNevada’s Constitution would adopt an open primary election to advance the top five vote-getters. Ranked choice voting then would be used to determine the winner of the general election. If no candidate received a majority on the first count, the votes for the ...
6108 Vote from the Center: 6 DoF Pose Estimation in RGB-D Images by Radial Keypoint Voting Yangzheng Wu (Queen’s University)*; Mohsen Zand (Queen’s University); Ali Etemad (Queen’s University); Michael Alan Greenspan (Queen’s University) 6132 Flow graph to Video Grounding for Weakly-...
They said Republicans tried to obstruct the democratic process before the vote and attempted to ignore the will of voters after the amendment passed. Ohio Republicans called a special election in August attempting to raise the threshold for passing future constitutional amendments from a s...
Honda's detailed vehicle data privacy policy is available to the public at: FCC Votes to Disband Portion of the Spectrum for Automotive Communication for Unlicensed Wi-Fi Use The vote to remove the majority of the ...
At the Georgia Dome on Tuesday, the Southern Baptists stood and applauded when the resolution passed after only 12 minutes of discussion and little dissension. The Rev. Gary Frost of Youngstown, Ohio, the denomination’s second vice president and the first African American to reach that post, ...