Nov. 8, 2023, 2:03 AM UTC Tuesday’s “Yes” vote on Ohio’s Issue 1adds another tick in the “W” column for abortion rights, as anti-abortion forces have now lost every single time the people have been directly asked whether the government should be able to force us to stay pregn...
Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Bob Fitrakis
1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this circular is to provide Holders of Share Stapled Units with informationregarding the proposed general mandate to issue Share Stapled Units, the re-election of retiring Directors of the Trustee-Mana...
Ohio May Be Ground Zero for Election Day Disputes Provisional Ballots Are at Issue; N.Y., N.J. Scramble for PollingCINCINNATI -- Twelve years after voting problems delayed the 2000presidential election results,...Tony PughGreg Gordon
Bischoff, Laura A
Analysis: Education as an election-year issue in the swing state of OhioMADELEINE BRAND
CNN previously reported that Trump similarly described rioters as being “upset” during a heated phone call he had with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy while the insurrection was underway, claiming the rioters cared more about the election results than the California Republican did. “Well, ...
When polls close on November 7, Ohio will either become the latest state to enshrine abortion rights into its constitution or enter a period of uncertainty as the state Supreme Court considers allowing a six-week abortion ban to be enforced.