Ohio Prescription Drug Ballot IssueBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMark Caleb Smith
Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This week, Americans for Public Trust (APT) and Honest Elections Project (HEP) filed a joint amicus brief supporting the state of Ohio in its defense of H.B. 1 – legislation...
becoming the seventh state to do so. The measure championed by the state’s Republican elections chief was in response to an effort to expand noncitizen voting in one small Ohio village, as well as to efforts cropping up in larger cities, such asNew Yorkand...
Green, Marian
Ohio Ballot Issue 3Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSmith, Mark Caleb
Marijuana Issue Spurs Concern ; Ohio Lawmaker Calls Ballot Initiative Bad Public PolicyBischoff, Laura A
It states that Issue 2 aims to establish an animal-care council that would oversee the treatment of farm animals. It indicates that the measure was introduced by the Ohio Farm Bureau.MacejkoChristinaDVM: The Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine...
Ohio Votes on Marijuana Ballot IssueBy Mark Caleb Smith, Published on 11/03/15Smith, Mark Caleb
Debate to Legalize Marijuana Flares in Ohio ; If Ballot Issue Passes, State Would Go from Ban to Full LegalizationBischoff, Laura A