Earth Sciences 1674-7313 核心库 284 Science China. Information Sciences 1674-733X 核心库 285 Science China. Life Sciences 1674-7305 核心库 286 Science China. Materials 2095-8226 核心库 287 Science China. Mathematics 1674-7283 核心库 288 Science China. Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 1674-7348 核...
Hepatogastroenterology 2003;50:1669-1674 7 Ziske C, Schlie C, Gorschluter M, Glasmacher A, Mey U, Strehl J, Sauerbruch T, Schmidt-Wolf IG. Prognostic value of CA 19- 9 levels in patients with inoperable adenocarcinoma of the pan- creas t...
Earth Sciences 1674-7313 核心库 263 Science China. Information Sciences 1674-733X 核心库 264 Science China. Life Sciences 1674-7305 核心库 265 Science China. Materials 2095-8226 核心库 266 Science China. Mathematics 1674-7283 核心库 267 Science China. Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 1674-7348 核...