By elaborating the design of a mechanical watch, he created a distinctly new worldview while maintaining the impact of traditional Japanese aesthetics—aesthetic characteristic of the “W” series. The combination of red scale on the dial and red second hand, ...
ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH 公式サイト。製品情報、お取扱店など。2001年にスタートした ISSEY MIYAKE WATCHは、世界で活躍するプロダクトデザイナーたちが参加する独創的なプロジェクトです。セイコーと三宅デザイン事務所の協業によって常に新しい価値をもつ腕時計を提案していま
Issey Miyake is notable for its challenging take on the general concept of fashion. Along with the clever mind of artistic designer Tokujin Yoshioka, the collaboration between two creative visions have produced the TO watch collection that is both minimal in design and unique in material usage. ...
ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH每一款手表均为与来自各行业的顶尖设计师合作款,譬如C、TWELVE、TO及W等畅销系列是由岩崎一郎、深泽直人、吉冈德仁及和田智等国际知名日本设计师将其领域的专业知识与手表设计相结合而成的完美作品。三宅一生品牌腕表的设计既雍容尊贵又朴素平实、气度不凡又内涵丰富、简洁纯净而又力度刚劲,处处表现出...
ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH 充滿設計感的時尚腕錶系列,讓設計不再是深奧難解的抽象藝術,而是易於融入日常生活中的配件,時刻都能展現個人風格的獨特時尚。 W 設計師和田智來台 「錶」現 ISSEY MIYAKE 極簡設計 五大系列錶款中以 ISSEY MIYAKE 與世上最美雙門轎跑車 Audi A5 的設計師──和田智跨界合作演出的「W」系列為...
日本亚马逊 腕時計 Issey Miyake Trapezoid Al Watch【並行輸入品】历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名腕時計 Issey Miyake Trapezoid Al Watch【並行輸入品】
2011年,ISSEY MIYAKE开始推出腕表,ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH新颖的设计充分展现出了设计师的艺术功底与超前眼光。 短短几年间,ISSEY MIYAKE WATCH已经与来自各行业的顶尖设计师合作设计出C、TWELVE、TO及W等畅销系列,其中包括iF设计奖·金奖得主岩崎一郎、获得英国皇家艺术学会授予“皇家工业设计师”称号的深泽直人、曾获权威...
Watch Britt Lloyd's fashion film uncovering Nick Knight's futuristic BMW i7 campaign. Fashion Films Britt Lloyd Show Issey Miyake A/W 22 Womenswear Paris Autumn / Winter 2022 Artistic Director: Satoshi Kondo Satoshi Kondo Paris Collections Show Issey Miyake A/W 22 Menswear Paris Autumn / Winter...
Issey Miyake brings back Jasper Morrison's "Please" watch with a special edition that will be exclusive to the brand's store in Japan. The new model features an all-black stainless steel finish with a 40mm pink gold-plated case and matching hands. The watch's most unique feature is the ...