Product Safety, Quality & BrandE&S Disclosure QualityScore profiles provide a summary of key disclosures, key disclosure omissions, an overview of disclosure and transparency risks and details the factors used in determining the company’s scores. Decile scores provide a snapshot view of risk. Red...
Companies within the ISS QualityScore coverage universe can review, verify and provide feedback on the data used to determine their scores via a Data Verification tool accessed through the Compass platform. Submissions of corrected or updated data factors can be made online through the platform. ...
The ISS ESG Governance QualityScore (GQS) is a robust data-driven scoring and screening solution designed to assist institutional investors in reviewing a company’s governance quality and assess its governance risk.
Cyber Risk Score Sustainable Finance & Lending Financial Solutions POPULAR LINKS ESG Gateway Second Party Opinion Data Verification Governance QualityScore E&S QualityScore ESG Unlocked Podcast © 2024 ISS Corporate Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved Privacy (including cookies and rights), Social...
ISS-Corporate helps companies design and manage their governance, compensation, sustainability, and cyber risk programs to align with company goals, reduce risk, and manage the needs of diverse stakeholders by delivering expert advisory, data, and softwa
Proxy Research Special Situations Research Knowledge Center (Replacing Governance Exchange) Executive Compensation Analytics Governance QualityScore Voting Analytics Please...
E&S QUALITYSCORE TOOLS Understand how investors perceive your sustainability program, prioritize disclosure changes based on what matters to investors, and stay ahead of shifts in sustainability norms. EXPLORE E&S QUALITYSCORE Get an overview of the E&S QualityScore methodology & summary of key iss...
INTRODUCTION: Since their inception, the Injury Severity Score (ISS) and the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) have been suggested as measures of the quality of trauma care. In concept, they are designed to accurately assess injury severity and predict expected outcomes. ICISS, an injury...
Innovative and high-quality ESG ratings, screening, data, analytics & advisory services Direct access to ISS ESG experts, analysts, and advisors Dedicated client service to ensure seamless implementation Global reach combined with local presence
ISS Solutions, Inc., a leader in healthcare technology management and clinical engineering services, is proud to announce that it has been awarded the ISO 13485 certification for its Quality Management System (QMS). This prestigious certification recognizes the... ...