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ARISS plans to celebrate the life and accomplishments of astronaut, scientist and ham radio pioneer Owen Garriott with a commemorative SSTV event featuring images from Garriott’s work with ham radio during his missions in space. This event is currently scheduled to begin on August 1 at 09:40 U...
and listen to a conversation between two licensed ham radio operators via the Lahore repeater. I will then use the same equipment to receive an image transmitted from the International Space Station, a spacecraft orbiting the Earth, and use it to claim the ARISS SSTV ...
HamTVAmateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) lets students worldwide experience the excitement of talking directly with crew members of the International Space Station, inspiring them to pursue interests in careers in science, technology, engineering and math as well as arts (STEAM)...
Ham Volunteers Solve an Amateur Radio Interoperability Problem for the ISSAmateur Radio has been part of the ISS from its inception. Two weeks after the first ISS team arrived, they installed and activated an Amateur Radio station, establishing the beginning of Amateur Radio on the International ...