ISS Facility Services Limited 仍注册 报告 监控 曾用名 中国香港 601 7小时27分钟前更新 公司编号:0034323 股本:- 注册日期:1973-06-25 电话:0852-2826***同电话企业11 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址:-- 简介:ISS Facility Services Limited (曾用名:服務系統香港有限公司 ISS HONG KONG SERVICES LIMITED) ,成立...
We follow – and set – the leading standards for the international facility services industry, ensuring customers enjoy a smooth and hassle-free integrated service solution that not only meets company policies and regulatory requirements but exceeds them. Read more/how-we-work/our-way-of-working/...
电话号码是:暂无我要删除 更新时间:2024年12月6日 ISS Facility Services Ltd.的更多信息 所在城市:香港 香港特别行政区 详细地址:鰂鱼涌街英皇道979号太古坊和域大厦西翼18F 所属分类:公司企业 关于ISS Facility Services Ltd.的完整信息 图吧网站从2004年开始为广大用户提供互联网地图服务,包括位置查询、公交换...
天眼查 ISS FACILITY SERVICES CHINA LIMITEDISS ISS FACILITY SERVICES CHINA LIMITED 已告解散 报告 监控 中国香港363 2024-11-04更新 公司编号:0937279 股本:- 注册日期:2004-11-30 电话:0852-2826***登录查看同电话企业11 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址:-- 简介:ISS FACILITY SERVICES CHINA LIMITED,成立于2004年...
We follow – and set – the leading standards for the international facility services industry, ensuring customers enjoy a smooth and hassle-free integrated service solution that not only meets company policies and regulatory requirements but exceeds them. Read more/how-we-work/our-way-of-working/...
根据ISS Facility Services发布的最新职位,他们经常寻找有才能的候选人。 他们有最新的开放。 他们自由地沟通和雇用更新鲜和经验丰富的候选人,他们填补了他们的个人资料,并在青年4工作上申请了工作。在他们的团队中添加的人才中,ISS Facility Services正在寻找的人才一般超过了学位和证书,但是真正的 青春的激情。 年轻人...
We follow – and set – the leading standards for the international facility services industry, ensuring customers enjoy a smooth and hassle-free integrated service solution that not only meets company policies and regulatory requirements but exceeds them. ...
Entity Name 企业名称 ISS FACILITY SERVICES, INC. Entity Number 企业注册号 F09455564 Tax ID 税号 - Status 企业状态 Active Formation / Incorporation Date 成立日期 - Registered Capital 注册资本 - Paid Capital 实缴资本 - Entity Type 企业类型 Foreign For-Profit (Business) Corporation QCC Code 企查查...
Smart, integrated facility services can help your organisation grow profitability, boost efficiency and gain a competitive edge