Smart, integrated facility services can help your organisation grow profitability, boost efficiency and gain a competitive edge
Every ISS person in every customer facility is one of us – trained, equipped, motivated and working to high standards. They are devoted to your safety, productivity and wellbeing. Our people care about the people they support, always adding a human touch to create places that deliver and de...
Changing labor demographics, increasing war for talent, low levels of employee engagement and continuous need for cost-efficiency and optimization represent just a few of the challenges business managers continue to struggle with. Workplace, when applied as a strategic tool, can secure just that. ...
We follow – and set – the leading standards for the international facility services industry, ensuring customers enjoy a smooth and hassle-free integrated service solution that not only meets company policies and regulatory requirements but exceeds them. Read more/how-we-work/our-way-of-working/...
Cleaning Technical Support Workplace All Services INSIGHTS BLOG Creating a safer workplace with PURE SPACE ‘Is it safe?’ That’s the question countless employees around the world are asking themselves as they re-enter their workplaces. PURE SPACE, a new product from ISS, aims to help employe...
I ISS Danmark har vi 120 års erfaring med integrerede facility management løsninger. I ISS Danmark kan vi skræddersy en løsning, der passer dig. Lad os optimere din virksomheds drift. Kontakt os for at høre mere!
Cleaning Technical Support Workplace All Services INSIGHTS BLOG Creating a safer workplace with PURE SPACE ‘Is it safe?’ That’s the question countless employees around the world are asking themselves as they re-enter their workplaces. PURE SPACE, a new product from ISS, aims to help employe...
59个ISS Facility Services员工的公司评论:薪资待遇,奖金福利,管理层,企业文化,年终奖,年假,晋升和工作稳定性
ISS is a leader in Integrated Facility Services (IFS) with a proven legacy and strong self-delivery model. Positioned in the USD 1.3 trillion Facilities Management (FM) market—set to grow faster than global GDP—ISS is ideally placed to capture expanding demand for advanced FM solutions and ...
How was the review process of your achievements at ISS Facility Services and how often was this done? How often do raises occur at ISS Facility Services? CEO What advice would you give the management of ISS Facility Services about how to improve it? See questions about: Interviews Promotion ...