Israel Tax Portal - Israel News & Newspapers in English, A guide covering Israel Taxes and economy,Israel business for enterpenures 2023
IN-Internet MG-Magazine NP-Newspaper PA-Press AgencyMedia Focus BU-Business ET-Ethnic GI-General Interest GO-Government SP-SportLanguage ARA-Arabic ENG-English FRA-French HEB-Hebrew RUS-Russian SPA-Spanish ZHO-Chinese Israel Newspapers and News Media - National ...
The Jerusalem Post is Israel's most-read English news website and best-selling English newspaper bringing breaking news, world news & middle east news.
For years, Palestinians have been saying what@PeterBeinartrecently said; after overcoming mountains of obstacles to get our pieces published in major newspapers, none of us got the instant attention Beinart did, not because we are less articulate--but because of who we are.[_link] — saree ...
In its editorial of 8 October 2023, the Israeli paper Haaretz was unequivocal in assigning responsibility for the death and destruction resulting from the Hamas ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’: The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person:...
Amos Schocken, publisher of Haaretz, one of Israel's mainstream newspapers, pointed to the paradox between Israel's original intention when declaring independence and the newly approved Jewish-only law in his address to the crowd at the rally. ...
Using the LexisNexis database, four Israeli newspapers were searched for English-language articles published between October 7, 2023 and August 7, 2024: Haaretz, The Times of Israel, Yediot Achronot, and The Jerusalem Post. After removing duplicates and articles that were not relevant to older ...
artifacts, art, and Jewish religious and folk exhibits. Israelis are avid newspaper readers, with more than 90% of Israeli adults reading a newspaper at least once a week. Major daily papers are in Hebrew; others are in Arabic, English, French, Polish, Yiddish, Russian, Hungarian, and ...
Beryl was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s this month. Those who love her have seen it coming, but one always wants to believe that one is wrong. She was always a little scatterbrained, after all, always amused by her own incapacity to throw out old newspapers. They would pile in her room, ...
Writers in the Jewish newspapers and, most sadly, even in the Orthodox press constantly write—mistakenly—that Israeli use of “administrative detention” laws are applied only against “Palestinians.” The law seems to have a few names. One is the Jewish Terrorist Law. Honenu, the legal aid...