Few songs have been used by politicians more than “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” Over the years, Twisted Sister have ordered Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Donald Trump to cease and desist their use of the song. Dee Snider even threatened to sue Australian politician Clive Palmer, adding that ...
There is a new breed of Christian out there, and I am one of them. Israel means everything to me because I can trace every blessing I have back to Israel and the Jewish people — my Bible, my faith and my freedom. I didn’t feel that way until my wife, Karen, and I went to ...
"We've checked everything that can be checked but always something can go wrong." The data will be shared with US space agency NASA. The craft also carries a "time capsule" loaded with digital files containing a Bible, children's drawings, Israeli songs, memories of a Holocaust survivor a...
not broken, but charmed and enriched with the thrilling songs of the birds, while every leaf, blade, hedgerow, and flower are gemmed with pearly dew glittering like diamonds in the sun's new beams, there is an image of the soul — calmed, illuminated, and blessed with the truth of peace...
“Imagine, even in this small Vermont town, you can find Jews.” She asked whom I was talking about. “The Holsteins,” I said. She laughed the rest of the way through New England, teaching me that Holsteins are a breed of cow. I was afraid to ask whether they have one hump or ...