《以色列兽医杂志》(Israel Journal Of Veterinary Medicine)是一本以农林科学-兽医学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Israel Veterinary Medical Association出版商创刊于1939年,刊期Quarterly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦农林科学-兽医学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于...
官方网站: 投稿地址: 编辑部地址:ISRAEL VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOC, POB 22, RAANANA, ISRAEL, 43100 录用难度:容易 统计分析 影响因子:指该期刊近两年文献的平均被引用率,即该期刊前两年论文在评价当年每篇论文被引用的平均次数 Created with Highcharts 10.0.0年份ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARYMEDICINE近年影响因子...
SCIE期刊 学科领域:VETERINARY SCIENCES The IJVM journal is a peer reviewed research and clinical journal devoted to reporting original investigations and observations in the field of veterinary medicine with emphasis on the area covering the Middle East and the Mediterranean Basin. ...
期刊评价 您选择的Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine的指数解析如下: 简介:ISR J VET MED杂志属于农林科学行业,“兽医学”子行业的偏低级别杂志。投稿难度评价:影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是很大,审稿周期偏长,但容易发表 审稿速度:12周以上或约稿级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,关注人极少。 说明:指数是根据中国科...
全名/缩写ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ISR J VET MED 期刊ISSN0334-9152 2023-2024影响因子0.400 最新自引率4.30% 期刊官方网站 是否OA开放访问Yes 通讯方式ISRAEL VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOC, POB 22, RAANANA, ISRAEL, 43100 涉及的研究方向农林科学-兽医学 ...
期刊全称 israel journal of veterinary medicine 期刊简称 Print ISSN 0334-9152 Online ISSN 2304-8859 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 否 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考:SCI被取代 ...
Editorial Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine September 2023 Israel Journal of Veterinary MedicineWaner, Trevor Tuvia
Review of the Occurrence of FMD in Israel and a Clinical Description of the Outbreak of the Disease in 2021 Israel Journal of Veterinary MedicineEtinger, M.Pozzi, P.Bellaiche, M.Hamed, F.Even Tov, B.
Another reason is that natural pastures in Israel contain few toxic plants, most of which contain secondary toxicants that impart a strongly aversive smell and or taste.ShlosbergDepartment of ToxicologyA.Department of ToxicologyIsrael Journal of Veterinary Medicine...
Scientific research is carried on in a number of veterinary laboratories. In 1949 a law was adopted on compulsory elementary education without distinction as to sex, nationality, and religion. However, in actuality, the Arab population is subject to discrimination; schools for Arab children are ...