particularly in controversial topics like the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The "Israel-Hamas War" article on Wikipedia presents a prime example of such linguistic manipulation. The World Jewish Congress (WJC)stated in a March 2024 reportthat "the...
Israel can't afford to take threat of another virus lightly amid war ByJPOST EDITORIAL Israel needs Trump on board to defeat Hamas in Gaza ByERIC R. MANDEL Netanyahu's hospital visit highlights Knesset drama amid coalition instability BySUSAN HATTIS ROLEF ...
The prime minister is in the opinion that there can be no plan for the day after the war until all of Hamas’s capabilities are destroyed,” the official said adding that there have been discussions in the appropriate forums on the matter. “The policy of the prime minister in Gaza is t...
Our team has been devastated by the horrific events of this latest war. The world is reeling from Israel’s unprecedented onslaught on Gaza, inflicting mass devastation and death upon besieged Palestinians, as well as the atrocious attack and kidnappings by Hamas in Israel on October 7. Our he...
Resolution on the Israel-Hamas War So it was with some disbelief when in May, the SOA announced an Extraordinary General Meeting online to vote on three resolutions. The first two were technical and passed without argument. Resolution Three, however, was totally beyond the remit of a British ...
Photo: Wiki Commons By: Ghassan Rubeiz / Arab America Contributing Writer In expanding the war zone into Lebanon, Israel puts itself in great danger.
David, from a local perspective you are spot on. You’d struggle to find too many of us here that love the idea of our kids and grandkids having to serve in places like Nachal Oz or Kisufim, waiting for some Hamas terrorists to appear from a tunnel with murderous intent. At the sam...
The shipment of suspicious shoes that came through the Kerem Shalom Crossing were sent to Hamas to examine.
Hamas used this stolen money to build a war machine to murder Jews."I want you to think about that. Let that sink in."Hamas stole critical support for Palestinian children so that they could kill our children."So I ask you-who cares more about Palestinians?"...