The agenda was supposedly to prepare Palestine for independence, but the British imperialists treated their mandate as a colony; indeed, they had already, through the 1917 Balfour Declaration, agreed to the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine by the Zionist Organisation. A lengthy ...
“G-d placed certain gifts inside me that needed to be honored. Art was my currency that actually became my identity. When I started to acknowledge and use that, things began to shift for me,” explained Justin. He began to show his paintings at exhibitions and galleries, and then became...
Speaking to broadcaster CNN Turk, Cavusoglu said he will travel to Israel and Palestine with Energy Minister Fatih Donmez on May 24 and would discuss the appointment of ambassadors with his Israeli counterpart during the visit. (Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Margu...
In sum, the photograph is a snapshot of the early days of Tel Aviv. Though founded under Ottoman rule, it was built out during the British Mandate of Palestine by a growing community of Jews. In other words, this was a city created by the Zionist movement before the foundation of Israe...
#USA #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #UK #QuantumCalibrations– especially pay attention to my extensive predictive calibrations in that report! Also: URGENT PREDICTION! WILL THE US ATTACK IRAN? What’s Turkey up to? Erdogan confirms my predictions in the Israel-Hamas report!
21WIRE| Explained: how the West and Israel engineered the collapse of Syria and a potential dark future for the Middle East. Filed Under:Featured,Middle East,Peter FordTagged With:Al Qaeda,HTS,ISIS,Israel,Middle East,Palestine,Syria News,Trump,UK,WAR ON TERROR ...
The theme of his book could be summarized by saying, à la Orwell, “Israel bad, Palestine good.” To arrive at this theme, he has to completely neglect anything bad ever done by the Palestinians and anything good ever done by Israel. But I’m getting ahead of myself: ...
In Nablus, Ramallah, Gaza and in other places throughout the world were celebratory mobs calling for future martyrdom and the taking of all of Palestine at any cost. Hamas ...
“Christians, Jews and Muslims used to live in peace before the creation of Israel.” (7) “there was only one country,which is Palestine! And yes muslims and christians and jews lived there peacefully until the zionist movement started! And with this movement came the creation of the ille...
Sigmund and Betti’s brother Moses/Moritz Rothschild and his wife Margarete David ended up in Israel/Palestine in the 1930s along with their two children, Ruth, born October 8, 1914, in Magdeburg, Germany, and Herbert (later Yehuda), born December 10, 1921, in Magdeburg. The documents belo...