Cisco 4000シリーズISRのNIMで複数の音声アプリケーションをサポート はじめに Cisco®4000シリーズ サービス統合型ルータ(ISR)は、拡張高速WANインターフェイス カード(EHWIC)から進化したシスコのネットワーク インターフェイス モジュール(NIM)をホストす...
产品手册 适用于思科 4000 系列 ISR 的模拟语音网络接口模 块 (NIM) 在思科 4000 系列 ISR 上使用 NIM 支持多种语音应用 简介 思科® 4000 系列集成多业务路由器 (ISR) 支持使用思科网络接口模块 (NIM) 提高端口密度和模块容量,NIM 是增强 版高速广域网接口卡 (EHWIC) 进一步演...
三种性能级别: Datasheet中也有记录: Table 4. Specifications of Cisco 4000 Family Integrated Services Routers 如果需要提升throughput,对license的需求如下: Table 6. Cisco ISR 4000 Performance Licenses Table 7. Cisco ISR 4000 Booster (boost) Performance Licenses...
Table 4 on the datasheet specifies the throughput as 1.5Gbps: cheers, Seb. Joseph W. Doherty Hall of Fame ...
As per the Datasheet, this module does not support port-channel. But, the configuration for Port-channel is simple. You can see here, just in case.
Data sheet specifications and its information contained are intended to provide a product description only. "Typical" paramet- ers which may be included on RECTRON data sheets and/ or specifications ca- n and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over ti- me. ...
ISR4321/K9 Datasheet Get a Quote Overview Cisco 4321 Integrated Services router is design to deliver advanced services to the small enterprise branch environment. It delivers 50Mbps thoughtput by default. With pay-as-you-grow performance, you can increase forwarding capacity to 100Mbps by buying ...
Si827x Data Sheet 4 Amp ISOdriver with High Transient (dV/dt) Immunity KEY FEATURES The Si827x isolators are ideal for driving power switches used in a wide variety of power supply, inverter, and motor control applications. The Si827x isolated gate drivers utilize Skyworks' proprietary silicon...
// See, Table 7, page 53 // Can't use pins with same TIMx. For example, // pinD1 and pinD2, using same TIM1, can't be used at the same time // pinD4 and pinD5, using same TIM3, can't be used at the ...
One reason may be the hardware boot mode. Somewhere in the datasheet/technical guides will be a table with a few pull ups and pull downs you have to set for different boot modes (SCI, SPI, Flash, RAM, JTAG). It is likely to be on JTAG at the moment which is why it works with ...