Agent DVR will save the raw stream from your camera when possible or use your GPU to minimise CPU usage. Sensors Includes a huge range of motion detectors from basic motion detection to object tracking, trip wires and object recognition. Includes AI video and sound integrations to minimise false...
要使用您的Nest或Dropcam攝像機與Agent或VLC一起使用,您需要將視頻源設置為公開。只要您不與其他人分享攝像機的URL,這應該不會成為問題。我們已經創建了一個小程序,以幫助您在下面添加您的Nest或Dropcam攝像機。 您可以通過添加新攝像機並在“常規”選項卡上選擇NEST作為源類型,將您的Nest或Dropcam添加到Agent DVR中...
Translations for Agent DVR are stored in 2 JSON files. One is used for the web based UI and the other is used internally in the Agent DVR application. If you spot an error or a possible improvement in the translations please modify and make a pull request and we'll get it updated. Th...
Multi Aarch image of iSpy's Agent DVR, standalone free-to-use NVR software for IP Camera management - ispyagentdvr-docker/LICENSE at main · MekayelAnik/ispyagentdvr-docker
We recommend Agent DVR for new installs.iSpy is a versatile and powerful open-source video surveillance software designed for Windows PC users. It offers comprehensive monitoring and security features, making it suitable for both personal and professional use.With the app, users can turn their ...
We recommend Agent DVR for new installs.iSpy is a versatile and powerful open-source video surveillance software designed for Windows PC users. It offers comprehensive monitoring and security features, making it suitable for both personal and professional use. With the app, users can turn their ...
Agent DVR的批量授权 对于批量许可证,我们会为您的财务部门生成采购订单,并接受银行转账付款。 付款完成后,请使用许可证来分配您的许可证。您将看到一个新选项,可以使用信用代替购买。 如果您不是自己安装Agent DVR,您需要要求其他人从Agent DVR服务器设置的许可证选项卡中向您发送他们的唯一ID。
git clone docker build --no-cache -t ispyagentdvr.docker run -it --net=host -p 8090:8090 -p 3478:3478/udp 50000-50010:50000-50010/udp \ -v /appdata/ispyagentdvr/config/:/agent/Media/XML/ \ -v /appdat...
iSpy Agent DVR multi-arch with security as highest concern image CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT: I mainly made this for personal use and convenience This is an unofficial multi-aarch docker image of Agent DVR of iSpy created for multiplatform support. iSp...
Photos provides detail and thumbnail previews to all photos recorded by Agent. Files are saved locally on your computer. See Server Settings - Storage to find the local path to your photos. Photos are saved to a "grabs" subdirectory of the recordings folder. Photos are saved manually, automati...