Generation During COVID-19 Break Instructor-Lead Chair Yoga (15min) ICPE All Access: 35 Years of Real-World Science 21 Program Schedule | Thursday, September 17 10:00-11:00am 11:00-11:15am Annual Meeting of ISPE Members & 2020 Awards Ceremony ◾◾Call to Order; President's Report....
A decontaminated unit, with an internal work zone meeting Grade A conditions that provides uncompromised, continuous isolation of its interior from the external environment (e.g. surrounding cleanroom air and personnel). 经过净化的装置,其内部工作区符合 A 级条件,可将其内部与外部环境(例如周围的洁净...
OnNovember 4, 2018, ISPE Annual Meeting was held inPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaUSA, where members who had been elected to serve on the new Board formally took office. Dr.Chris Chengave a keynote speech of "Biomanufacturing Fac...
政策和程序 9.4 Accreditation/Certifcation 资质认定 9.5 Education and Training 教育与培训 10 Lifecycle Costs 生命周期成本 10.1 Introduction 介绍 10.2 Annual Filter Energy Cost Factors 每年过滤器能耗系数 10.3 Additional Factors Impacting Total Cost of Ownership 影响总拥有成本的其他因素 10.4 Total Cost of...