the shoe comes with two sets of cork insoles so when one wears out, you can keep wearing the shoes. This week, the ISPA team is releasing a ‘Midnight Navy’ color scheme, which drenches the silhouette in dark blue tones. As per usual, the hand-buffed nature gives them a unique color...
Nike Air Max 720 ISPA series shoesIt will be released at the designated stores such as Sneakersnstuff in September 7th. The price of Summit White / Black / White will be about 1562 yuan, while Black / Reflect Silver will cost about 1649 yuan, and friends who are interested can pay more...
Footpatrol: Hey Jimmy, huge thanks for joining us at Footpatrol to celebrate the ideas of Nike’s ISPA division with your Formbark identity. For those of our audience who aren’t aware of your page, could you give us a bit of an introduction to yourself and your work? Formbark: Hey, ...
鞋底不同于坦克鞋的 Zoom 气垫配置,而是采用 Nike Grind 理念的回收 ZoomX 材料打造,相比一般的 ZoomX 更为蓬松,脚感更适合日常穿着。 据悉,这两款 Nike ISPA Drifter Split 将于 9 月 1 日正式发售,定价为 $200 美元,感兴趣的小伙伴不妨多多留意,有关国内登场详情我们也将持续关注。 Nike ISPA Drifter Spl...
Nike x HAVEN joint ISPA Joyride Envelope shoesEach pair of $195 is planned for sale on November 28th in HAVEN channel. Coming soon!
去年,Nike 推出 ISPA 全新机能系列,象征 Improvise 即兴、Scavenge 整合、Protect 保护和 Adapt 适应 4 大概念,获得了不少玩家的喜爱。 近日ISPA 系列又有全新鞋款推出,机能版 Air Max 720 将于本周发售。 在造型方面的独树一帜,让这双 Air Max 720 ISPA 颇具外星来客的风范。