In the present study, natural and adulterated essential oils of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) and palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) were differentiated and identified on the basis of their carbon isotope composition (13C/12C) using isotopic-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technique. This technique ...
6) isotope ratio mass spectrometry 同位素质谱法 例句>> 补充资料:固体同位素分析质谱计 分子式:CAS号:性质:用于同位素分析的质谱仪器。固体同位素分析质谱计,亦称热离子发射同位素质谱计,主要分析对象是:锂、硼、镁、钾、钙、铷、锶、钐、钕、铅、铀和钚,用于核工业、核地质学研究,环境保护和同位素医学。气体...
The N2 produced from the decomposition is used for measuring the abundance of masses 28 and 29 by mass spectrometry. From this ratio, the 15N atom fraction is calculated.Standard samples of N2, ammonia, orchard leaves and urea have been successfully analyzed to determine isotopic compositions. ...
Through the gas chromatographic/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS) determinations of alditol acetate derivatives of monosaccharides, rapid analysis of the ja:math of individual sugars can be accomplished with a precision of approximately ±0.3‰. Fractionations in carbon occurring ...
Determination of Isotopic Ratio by Multi-collector Double-focusing Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry 多接收双聚焦等离子体质谱法测定高精度同位素比 4. Determination of Nanogram Samarium Isotopic Ratio by Mass Spectrometer 超微量钐同位素丰度比的质谱测定 5. Discussion ...
The objective of the current experiment was to evaluate the effect of biofield energy treatment on the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 15N/14N) in indole using the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The sample of organic compound indole was divided ...
Keywords:gasstableisotopicratiomassspectrometry;backgroundatmosphere;CO2; C;8’ O 1 引言(Introduction) CO是最重要的温室气体,其循环过程和源[ 收支是认识和控制全球气候变化的基础,也是当前 全球气候变化研究的核心.通过研究各种轻元素稳 定同位素在自然界的丰度、变化机理及其分馏行 为,可推断物质的来源、运移过...
The measurement of the isotope ratio 235U/238U in samples containing uranium in trace amounts (in the order or below 1 ng) in environmental dust samples taken from uranium enrichment facilities, is of interest in the field of nuclear safeguards, in particular for international monitoring of compli...
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratio was measured by elemental analysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS). The range of δ15N values in the foodcrusts from Tianluoshan (1.6‰ to 12.6‰; median 6.7‰) are significantly lower (Kruskal-Wallis H = 55.623, p < 0.5) than th...
A MultiPhoton-Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MPI/TOFMS) apparatus was developed for real-time measurement of the uranium isotopic ratio in nascent UF 5 formed by the 266 nm photolysis of effusive UF 6 ( < 300 K, ≈ 1.3 × 10 4 Pa). The UF 5 was selectively and efficientl...