Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical element which differ in neutron number, although all isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons in each atom. The term isotope is formed from the Greek roots isos (ἴσος "equal") and topos (τόπος"place"), mea...
Because each element is distinctive of its atomic number, all atoms of a particular element must have the same number of proton. The atomic number of carbon is 6. Then all kinds of carbon atoms must have 6 protons in their nuclei. So these atoms...
Uranium has three naturally occurring isotopes. These are uranium-234, uranium-235, and uranium-238. Since each atom of uranium has 92 protons, the isotopes must have 142, 143 and 146 neutrons respectively. Chemical and Physical Properties of Isotopes We have seen that isotopes differ in mass ...
Isotopesareatomsofanelementthatdifferbythenumberofneutronsinthenucleus.Isotopesofanelementarechemicallythesame,sincetheelectronsandprotons,nottheneutrons,determinetheatom’schemicalproperties.Stabilityofnucleusdependsonratioofprotonstoneutrons Someisotopeunstableandwillloseneutronsovertime-turningintoanotherisotope Eg....
Isotopes are atoms of an element that contain different number of neutrons in their atomic nucleus. They have the same atomic number, i.e., same number of protons (of course an equal number of electrons), but differ in their atomic mass due to the neutron numbers. For example, the three...
different mass number. As the number of protons and therefore also the number of electrons in an isotope are the same, the chemical properties of most isotopes are very similar. However, the physical properties of isotopes differ from each other, which affects physical properties such as densities...
Isotopes are atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass number. In case of neutral atoms, the number of protons and electrons are equal. If two atoms have the same number of electrons, then they would have the same electronic ...
Complete the following chart: Isotope Practice Here are three isotopes of an element: The element is ___. The number 6 refers to the ___. The numbers 12, 13, and 14 refer to the___. How many protons and neutrons are in the first isotope? How many protons and neutrons are in the ...
the chemical properties of most isotopes are very similar. However, the physical properties of isotopes differ from each other, which affects physical properties such as densities and phase change temperatures (boiling points and melting points).(同位素是同一元素的原子,质子数相同(原子序数相同),但原子...
number of protons, but a different number of neutrons in the nucleus. Another definition of isotopes defines them as atoms with the same atomic number (number of protons), but different atomic mass numbers (the sum of neutrons and protons of an atom). Isotopes of an element also have the ...