In this overview of the literature for 2005, we have attempted to highlight works of interest and novelty. Furthermore, we draw attention to those works which we feel have provided a route to better analysis and increased our ability to understand the meaning of thermodynamic change oAdessamad...
stoichiometry (n-value) is 0.25, meaning that the rOBP3 binding pocket is partially occupied by an endogenous ligand. In contrast, after the cleaning procedure described here, the stoichiometry should be as expected (n value=0.99), indicating that the purification strategy has efficiently removed ...
In isothermal compression the air is stored near ambient temperatures until it is required to avoid the challenges associated with temperature control. Once the power is required, the isothermal system uses electrical energy in order to reach the required temperature, meaning that no combustion is req...
In the case of 3, this experiment also gave Ki. For 5, the kon rate was very low (30-fold less than 3), meaning that in order to achieve measurable kinetics a high concentration of inhibitor was used. This saturated the enzyme in a single step and only upper bounds for the Ki and...
We showed that the model is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics, meaning that the entropy production computed at steady state from entropy fluxes is equal to the integral over the sum of flux-force products. The procedure is beneficial in electrochemical cell modelling as it reveals ...
In this overview of the literature for 2005, we have attempted to highlight works of interest and novelty. Furthermore, we draw attention to those works which we feel have provided a route to better analysis and increased our ability to understand the meaning of thermodynamic change on binding...
Dekker I Thermodynamics of nonisothermal activation H 2.3. The locus of likelihood Let us now investigate the locus of maxima of P~ on II(w) as a function of w. This particular curve in phase space determines the orientation of the planes lI(w) and is defined by the vector u(w) in ...
In this overview of the literature for 2005, we have attempted to highlight works of interest and novelty. Furthermore, we draw attention to those works which we feel have provided a route to better analysis and increased our ability to understand the meaning of thermodynamic change o...
(4) the physical meaning of Doyle's assumption; (5) the possibility of the application of non-isothermal techniques on various temperature programs to the investigation of reaction kinetics; and (6) other problems arising on examination of thermodynamics and non-isothermal kinetics of simple thermal...
The second condition, known as an adiabatic expansion (from the Greekadiabatos, meaning “impassable”), is one in which the cylinder is assumed to be perfectly insulated so that no heat can flow into or out of the cylinder. In this case the gas cools as it expands, because, by the ...