Isosorbide mononitrate has been studied in experimental dogs. In one study, a dose of approximately 1–2 mg/kg PO to dogs subjected to transmyocardial direct current shock produced acute hemodynamic effects that lasted only 2 h. This dose when administered over days, however, resulted in a chro...
Isosorbide dinitrateundergoes extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver and is cleared at a rate of 2 to 4 L/minute with a serum half-life of about 1 hour. Isosorbide dinitrate's clearance is primarily by denitration to the 2-mononitrate (15 to 25%) and the 5-mononitrate (75 to 85%...
mononitrate(5-IM).M匮T】咂)s:Asingleand5.d. n:Deadoraldosesof5.IM50mg werepe rfom~ on2 groupsof20Chinesehealthysubjects(10subjectsfor eachgroup)inarandomizedcr0ssoverprotocol Tbe 一Minplasmaweremeasuredbygaschromatography udthelectron—captureddetectormethod ...