Isosorbide Mononitrate Er - Detailed Prescribing InformationDrugs
美国FDA提供产品Isosorbide Mononitrate申请号020225的药品信息, 包括商品名,活性成分,申请机构,剂型,规格,新报申请信息,补充申请信息及020225橙皮书信息.
Isosorbide dinitrate is supplied as 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg tablets. Isosorbide mononitrate is supplied as 10 and 20 mg tablets • The dose for both nitrates is in the 1–2 mg/kg q.12 h range Pharmacokinetics Isosorbide mononitrate has been studied in experimental dogs. In one study,...
mononitrate(5-IM).M匮T】咂)s:Asingleand5.d. n:Deadoraldosesof5.IM50mg werepe rfom~ on2 groupsof20Chinesehealthysubjects(10subjectsfor eachgroup)inarandomizedcr0ssoverprotocol Tbe 一Minplasmaweremeasuredbygaschromatography udthelectron—captureddetectormethod ...
Nina Kimer, Astrid Vinsand Naver, Maja Thiele, Aleksander Krag, Lise Lotte Gluud, Nina Kimer. . Beta-blockers alone or with isosorbide mononitrate for primary prevention in adults with cirrhosis and gastro-oesophageal varices. 2015. /
Lewis BS, Rabinowitz B, Schlesinger Z, Caspi A, Markiewicz W, Rosenfeld T, Sclarovsky S, Ermer W. Effect of isosorbide-5- mononitrate on exercise performance and clinical status in patients with congestive heart failure. Results of the Nitrates in Congestive Heart Failure (NICE) Study. ...
Eryildirim, BilalS. Karger AGUrologia InternationalisTarhanF, elikO,Tosun ,etal.Comparisonoftheefficacyof isosorbidemononitrateanddoxazosininthetreatmentoflowerurinary tractsymptomsandbenignprostatichyperplasia:arandomizedclinical trial[J].UrolInt,2014,93(1):17 21....
This is the protocol for a review and there is noThe objectives are as follows: To assess the beneficial and harmful effects of beta-blockers alone or with isosorbide mononitrate versus placebo or no intervention for adults with cirrhosis and gastro-oesophageal varices that have bled....