Isopropyl alcohol or isopropanol is a colorless, flammable liquid with the chemical formula of C3H8O. It is a second alcohol derived from propane, a petroleum compound and this composition states the difference between isopropyl alcohol vs rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is known as a common s...
rubbing alcohol即系所谓既药用酒精(消毒火酒) 主要系用黎皮肤消毒等等外用 同佢系唔系用黎 *** 肌肉其实无关系 医疗用途既酒精既浓度系70-75% 而家几乎咩地方都有得卖 药房超市个人健康护理产品连锁都会有 个别超过95%甚至99%浓度以上既叫做无水酒精/纯酒精 主要系用响电子零件脱脂清洁等等需要无...
Rubbing alcohol canhelp clean and disinfect hard surfaces. It is effective against most, but not all, pathogens. The main ingredient in rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol (IA). Most rubbing alcohols contain about 70% IA, but the amount can range from 60% to 99%, depending on the product...
99% IPA Isopropyl Alcohol (Isopropanol or Rubbing Alcohol) 下载PDF资料 商品详情99% IPA 异丙醇适用于设备维护应用:通用表面清洁剂去除污垢、油、油脂、一些墨水、无机污染物和其他有机残留物用于机械、印刷电路板、打印机、电镀和大多数工作表面特性:也称为 99.8% IPA 异丙醇、"异丙醇"、"异丙醇"或"外用酒...
iso·pro·pyl alcohol ˌī-sə-ˈprō-pəl- :a flammable liquid used especially to dissolve things and as rubbing alcohol Medical Definition isopropyl alcohol noun :a volatile flammable alcohol C3H8O used especially as a solvent and rubbing alcohol ...
网络擦洗用异丙醇 网络释义 1. 擦洗用异丙醇 ... isopropyl alcohol,sec-propyl alcohol 异丙醇isopropyl rubbing alcohol[医]擦洗用异丙醇isovaleric alcohol [医]异戊醇 ...|基于3个网页
Is isopropyl alcohol better than hydrogen peroxide? The bottom line. Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide both kill most bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In general, rubbing alcoholis better at killing germs on your hands, as it's gentler on your skin than hydrogen peroxide. ...
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, USP 英文别名: Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, USP 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB22567132 分子式: C3H7* 分子量: 43.08768 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商2 Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, USP化学性质 安全信息 ...
英文名称Isopropyl Alcohol 运输条件常规运输 产品介绍 2-丙醇也称异丙醇或异丙基醇,它是一种二级醇,无色液体,广泛用作有机合成的溶剂和中间体,可溶于水、乙醇、醚、乙酸乙酯、THF和氯仿等溶剂。 应用 异丙醇因其特性,具有多种不同用途。 有机合成溶剂 ...
Isopropyl alcohol is used in the production of acetone, isopropyl halides, glycerin, and aluminum isopropoxide; employed widely as an industrial solvent for paints, polishes, and insecticides; as an antiseptic (rubbing alcohol); and in organic synthesis for introducing the isopropyl or isopropoxy gr...