Shop the best selection of captive bred isopods, springtails, and more. Fast shipping and live arrival guarantee! Isopods serve as cleanup crews for bio active enclosures and also make great pets!
PAH biotransformation in terrestrial inverte- brates--a new phase II metabolite in isopods and springtails. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 138, 129-137.STROOMBERG G J; ZAPPEY H; STEEN RJCA;.PAH biotransformation in terrestrial invertebrates-a new phase II metabolite in isopods ...
Stroomberg GJ, Zappey H, Steen RJCA, van Gestel CAM, Ariese F, Velthorst NH, et al. PAH biotransformation in terrestrial invertebrates -- a new phase II metabolite in isopods and springtails. Part CComp Biochem Physiol 2004;138:129-37....