High blood pressureAlternative treatmentsClinical practiceIsometric handgrip trainingConsidered a global health crisis by the World Health Organization, hypertension (HTN) is the leading risk factor for death and disability. The majority of treated patients do not attain evidence-based clinical targets, ...
Effects of isometric handgrip training dose on resting blood pressure and resistance vessel endothelial function in normotensive women. Eur J Appl Physiol 2013; 113: 2091–2100. 19 Badrov MB, Horton S, Millar PJ, McGowan CL. Cardiovascular stress reactivity tasks successfully predict the hypotensive...
The efficacy and safety of isometric exercise for blood pressure reduction in adults with raised blood pressure and hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Vol. osf.io/7fnga. Open Science Framework; 2020. Alves A. The hypotensive effects of home-based isometric handgrip ...
traditionally employed handgrip mode, which is a magnitude of change considered clinically relevant [31]. This work suggests the wall squat may be the most effective form of IET despite the handgrip protocol being the most widely studied and the only protocol endorsed in any international guideline...
For each of 270 office patients, we determined blood pressure, heart rate (HR), electrocardiographic findings, and symptoms in response to maximal isometric and maximal dynamic exercise. For systolic BP response as the predicted measure, 4 predictor variables in combination, Including age, sex, ...
Physiologically, thehemodynamiceffects of an isometric handgrip are related to decreasedvagal toneand increased sympathetic tone. In a patient with normaldiastolic function, performing an isometric handgrip causes increased heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and venous reversal. Individual response...
A pilot study is reported on the isometric handgrip contraction (IHC) test, comparing its effects on the blood pressure of normotensive and untreated hypertensive persons and evaluating the effect of antihypertensive drugs on this test. ... S Lamid,FW Wolff - 《American Heart Journal》 被引量...
The main finding of the present investigation was that performing isometric handgrip exercise whilst walking caused a reduction in resting systolic blood pressure, which far exceeded the reductions seen after walking or isometric handgrip only. Reductions in Resting Blood Pressure in Young Adults When ...
Define isometric exercise. isometric exercise synonyms, isometric exercise pronunciation, isometric exercise translation, English dictionary definition of isometric exercise. n. 1. a program of exercises in which a muscle group is tensed against another
It is concluded that the response of retinal arterioles of measurable size is not unified, and that the two modes of response differ in mechanism. 展开 关键词: Retinal vessels Blood circulation Blood pressure Sympathetic nervous system Isometric contraction DOI: 10.1038/eye.1998.17 年份: 1998 ...