研究的作者说,还需要更多的研究来确定为什么等长运动比其他类型的训练更能降低血压(More research is needed to determine exactly why isometric exercises might be better for lowering blood pressure than other types of training)。如何做等长运动(Doing isometric exercises)作者说,他们的发现应该为未来的血压...
To evaluate the effect of two workplace isometric exercise interventions on blood pressure in hypertensive adults.#A randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial conducted in hypertensive (>130 mmHg systolic blood pressure (SBP)) 35 to 65 years old in work places in Colombia. Participants were ...
8 Men (n = 20) None 45–60 years 3 Days per week 4 × 2 min double-leg extension isometric exercises at 85% HRpeak, separated by 2-min rest periods (n = 10). Controls remained sedentary (n = 10). 4 Men (n = 13) Unknown 3 Days per week Four × 2 min bilateral leg ...
Exercise is great for improving heart health. But the thought of hitting the gym or going for a jog might put some people off from doing it. And, if you have a heart condition already, such dynamic exercises may not be safe to do.
short-arc exercises are safe and do not stress the healing soft tissue. Based on the patient's response andsigns and symptoms, the exercises are progressed to maximal intensity without pain. The short-arc isokinetic exercises use the intermediate velocity-spectrum rehabilitation protocol (VSRP), 60...
1.isometric exercises are anaerobic.肌肉等长收缩锻炼是不需氧的。 2.The Development of Muscle Isometric Contraction Test Instrument肌肉等长收缩张力-长度性质测试仪的研制 3.Effects and Mechanism of Isometric Exercise Training in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease;冠心病患者等长收缩训练的作用及机理 4.An ...
isolation exercises───隔离演习 homework exercise───家庭作业练习 isometric line───等距线 双语使用场景 In verapamil group, the plasma catecholamine concentration did not change after treatment, but it was significantly increased afterisometric exercise.───缓释异搏定对静息儿茶酚胺无影响,但等长运动...
2.The paper is to compare the difference of the response of blood lipid and plasma endothelin to isotonic exercise and isometric exercises, and give the theory foundation for making exercise prescription for hypertension.目的:比较等张运动与等长运动对高血压患者的血脂及内皮素的影响,为高血压病运动处方...
the device used to perform the handgrip IET was not able to record data regarding the completion and intensity of exercise sessions. However, it is possible to speculate that the differences between supervised and home-based exercises occurred due to the absence or inadequate performance of the ex...
Isometric and dynamic jaw-muscle exercises were performed and systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures in resting and exercise states compared. There were no consistent or statistically-significant variations in respiratory or heart rates during exercise. Blood pressure changes during isometric exercis...