These showed (1) that a third of C-fiber neurons were positive for both TrkA and IB4, with a tendency for reciprocal staining intensities for these two markers; (2) that most nociceptors strongly expressed TrkA or IB4 binding sites; (3) that IB4 binding sites were present on C-fiber...
FITC Labeled GSL I-isolectin B4 MP6317-250UG 250μg 1950 产品描述 加纳籽凝集素I(Griffonia Simplicifolia Lectin I,GSL I),是分子量约114kDa的一种糖蛋白家族,含有两种亚基,命名为A和B,仅分子量稍有不同。这些亚基结合形成四聚体结构,产生五种同工凝集素(GSI-B4, GSI-AB3, GSI-A2B2, GSI-A3B,GSI...
Matsuka, Y.; Edmonds, B.; Mitrirattanakul, S.; Schweizer, F.E.; Spigelman, I. Two types of neurotransmitter release patterns in isolectin B4-positive and negative trigeminal ganglion neurons. Neuroscience 2007, 144, 665-674.Matsuka Y, Edmonds B, Mitrirattanakul S, Schweizer FE, Spigelman ...
Comparison of Dextran Perfusion and GSI-B4 Isolectin Staining in a Mouse Model of Oxygen-induced Retinopathy右旋糖酐 小鼠模型 视网膜 凝集素 染色 灌注 高氧 病变Shaofen HuangJoint Shantou International Eye Center, Shantou University & Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shantou,China...
Interestingly, IB4 staining identified activated or ameboid Ret-expressing microglia under ischemic conditions. Collectively, our data indicate Ret receptor as one of the IB4-reactive glycoconjugate accounting for the IB4 stain in microglia under physiological and ischemic conditions.doi:10.1111/jnc.122...
In histochemical studies, double staining for IB4 and saporin was detected in L6 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons 2 days after the treatment. Three weeks after the treatment, the area in lamina II of the L6 spinal cord stained with IB4 was significantly reduced compared with the area ...
GS-I lectin-positive astrocytes were mainly located at peripheral regions of the retina but were variable in number and staining intensity, while LE lectin stained most astrocytes as judged by co-localization with anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein staining. To see whether astrocytes (and/or ...
CTb- and IB4-labelled neurons were seen mainly in L4 and L5 DRGs, with CTb labelling detected primarily in large sized neurons and IB4 staining seen mainly in smaller cells. Only a minority of CTb labelled DRG neuron profiles (5.1%) were also labelled with IB4. In the spinal cord, I...
In the brainstem this lectin gave terminal-like staining in only the sub-nucleus caudalis of the trigeminal nuclei. In this nucleus, staining was most dense in the inner part of lamina II. Morphometric studies suggest that this lectin and that from the soybean recognize the same population of...